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Algarve Voted Best Golf Destination in Europe

February 15, 2020
Golfer on Algarve Golf Course

The readers of influential UK golf magazine Today’s Golfer awarded the Algarve the title of "Best Golf Destination in Continental Europe" for 2020.

This year marks the fourth consecutive year that the prestigious title has been awarded to the Algarve region, and is the result of thousands of readers voting in the English publication, recognizing the Algarve as the best experience for those who practice golf in Europe.

"The Algarve is to be congratulated for yet another deserved victory. The region has a lot to offer, not only inside but also outside the golf courses, and it's no wonder golfers want to revisit this destination over and over again. This is the fourth consecutive year in which the Algarve has been voted as the number one destination, being clearly the most popular ever among our readers"

- Kevin Brown, editor of Today's Golfer magazine.

With over 40 golf courses throughout the region, all with varying characteristics and challenges, the Algarve offers unparalleled opportunities for golfers to hone their game.